Welcome back to Roblox xD (gaponmychest.blogspot.com), the worst blog on the internet. This will be the last post on this blog, thank god. Today I'll focus on the community aspect of Roblox, rather than the actual features of the game. As I said in the previous update, Roblox primarily attracts a younger audience. A problem that occurs when having a younger audience, is that it becomes a target for trolls, or people who mean to antagonize the community. Common examples of tom foolery occurring within the game are games featuring inappropriate content being created by users, or harsh language being used in the game. There are, however, people who strive to breathe fresh air into the community. A great example of one of these people is a YouTube user by the name of Micheal P. Here are several videos and images relating to him.

(The second to last image is Micheal's avatar, and the last is his YouTube profile picture.)
Micheal strives to detect inappropriate content on Roblox, and then makes a video encouraging his supporters to report the content. I consider Micheal P a personal hero of mine, because of his bravery to take trolls and others engaging in tom foolery head on. Many people are silent bystanders to the daily acts of tom foolery in Roblox, but Micheal P is one of the few to seek justice. Although there are other people who actively post Roblox videos on YouTube, Micheal P is the only one worth mentioning in my opinion, because of his dedication to a positive community. This is all the information on the community I can think of so let's move on to wrapping this final post up.
In conclusion, I have learned many things that I did not know about my topic before deciding to write about it. I did not know very much about the history of the game, and this blog influenced me to research more on it. I also learned some of the mechanical features of Blogger, like how to customize the layout of a blog. I have also learned things from commenting on other blogs. For example, I learned that a student in this class is vegan (or vegetarian I forget), which I could relate to as a vegetarian. Blogs are important because they're an easy way to exchange information. People can make blogs on any topic they want, and people who are interested in that topic can follow to any blog they want, making them a simple but efficient form of entertainment.
Okay well I'm pretty sure that's all I have to write about so goodbye forever xD.

(The second to last image is Micheal's avatar, and the last is his YouTube profile picture.)
Micheal strives to detect inappropriate content on Roblox, and then makes a video encouraging his supporters to report the content. I consider Micheal P a personal hero of mine, because of his bravery to take trolls and others engaging in tom foolery head on. Many people are silent bystanders to the daily acts of tom foolery in Roblox, but Micheal P is one of the few to seek justice. Although there are other people who actively post Roblox videos on YouTube, Micheal P is the only one worth mentioning in my opinion, because of his dedication to a positive community. This is all the information on the community I can think of so let's move on to wrapping this final post up.
In conclusion, I have learned many things that I did not know about my topic before deciding to write about it. I did not know very much about the history of the game, and this blog influenced me to research more on it. I also learned some of the mechanical features of Blogger, like how to customize the layout of a blog. I have also learned things from commenting on other blogs. For example, I learned that a student in this class is vegan (or vegetarian I forget), which I could relate to as a vegetarian. Blogs are important because they're an easy way to exchange information. People can make blogs on any topic they want, and people who are interested in that topic can follow to any blog they want, making them a simple but efficient form of entertainment.
Okay well I'm pretty sure that's all I have to write about so goodbye forever xD.
holy crap this is ground breakin.g